S. of Salem

~Animal Care~
Cascade Raptor Center -Eugene
Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary- Scio (They have rescued farm animals.)

OSU Lambing Barn (lambing season is mid-February through early March.)
Wolston Farms (sheep dogs and sheep in Scio)

~Campus Field Trips~
OSU (Grades 5-8)
Contact: Dana Beck, 541-737-9424 503-260-1474 email

Oregon Air and Space Museum (Eugene)

~Nature Studies~
Fish Hatchery- Leaburg   Read the review!
Wild Life Safari- Winston

Northwest Art and Air Fest (Albany) Happens once a year during the summer. Hot Air Balloons.

Pulsed Laser Laboratory in Chemistry (Corvallis- OSU) High School

Recruitment and Retention of Women and Minorities in Engineering (Corvallis- OSU) K-12
Contact: Ellen Momsen, (541) 737-9699 email

Wave Research Laboratory (Corvallis OSU ) 4th-12th grades

The Science Factory Children's Museum and Exploration Dome- Eugene